flex technology group

Our Security Services Empower You to Monitor, Update & Protect Every Print Asset

Print security solutions that identify firmware vulnerabilities and avoid potential print and document breaches that can damage your business or your brand.

space view of the US at night

Uncompromising Security:

Fortify your print services fleet with our security solutions to identify vulnerabilities and manage all print equipment types, whether it’s dozens or thousands of devices. Our dedicated team of security experts will monitor, update, and protect your whole print operation. Our SLA includes quarterly reports and on-demand live customer service support.

Proactive Protection:

Lack of security protocols leaves networks vulnerable or at risk. Breaches of sensitive data can damage your organization’s brand reputation and/or result in fines and lawsuits. By proactively creating and implementing security protocols, we help your organization eliminate vulnerabilities and avoid potential print and document breaches.

Comprehensive Security Services:

Flex Technology Group’s security service allow us to:

  • Identify firmware vulnerabilities with the most current tools
  • Access devices remotely to audit the entire print landscape
  • Implement any necessary firmware updates
  • Configure devices with hardening options, tailored to meet your needs for maximum control of assets
  • Protect print output through authentication protocols that ensure sensitive documents are not compromised

At the forefront of the printing industry ​